Brian and I are really trying to save up our money for Germany, Austria, Italy and Cyprus which is coming up in like 5 weeks. By saving our money, we try not to go out to eat too much. It is pretty hard to not have one day of the week to go out to eat! now its cut down to about once a month, or if i can get brian to go out again, double bonus!! That sounds bad, but with both Brian and I working and going to school, there aren't a whole lot of days where we even want to cook. One of us usually ends up cooking for the night.
I did, however, just introduce Brian to a nice little restaurant called Cafe Rio. It is delish. Have it be, chipotle is of course better, but Cafe Rio is pretty darn good! I decided for one of our meals last week that I would make cafe rio! This meal definitely ended up being a joint effort of both of us and here is what it looked like...
Yes, when I go to Cafe rio, I get both black and pinto beans. Layered with rice and, of course, smothered. For those Novice cafe rio eaters, this means your burrito is smothered with yummy sauce inside the burrito as well as drizzling over the outside of the burrito. |
The burrito is pretty small, but I had two. Shh, don't tell!! |
I dont think Brian really likes when I take pictures at dinner..but he was excited about our cafe rio meal. :) Oh, and of course..I need to give him the credit for the smother sauce...he threw into the blender a huge jalapeno, bell peppers, tomato sauce...and a lot of other stuff. We should have written it down, figuring there is NO way we will ever be able to make it again. Seems like we do that way too often. |