Well, Brian and I are off to Europe on Monday the 23rd. We are so excited to go! There are many adventures in store, I am sure of it. We have been planning on this trip for so long. We are going to go to Brian's mission in Germany and Austria. Our first stop will be in Munich. We will be there for 3 days touring castles and concentration camps. We will then go to Salzburg for a couple days to see the sound of music sites. We will then go to another area where Brian served called Landshut. We get to see the branch president there and they have so kindly said that we could stay the night with them. The next day will be Sunday and we will go to that branch for church. On Sunday night, we are going to get on an overnight train to Venice Italy. After staying there for 24 hours, we will take a train to Milan. We will tour that city for a couple hours then make our way to the Milan Bergamo airport to CYPRUS! We will be able to be with my parents for 2 days! I am excited to get to see them. We will be flying back to Milan after that. We wil then be taking a trip by train down the coast of italy. We are totally pumped! Finally, we will finish up our trip in Rome seeing the sites there.
I am writing this at 6 am after staying up all night. vague details, but I just had to write something to stay awake!! Haha. :)
Here is a little present brian came home with yesterday...
EURO!! |