Party On! (This is the day he and I met)
Friday, October 29, 2010
I am married to a future Nurse!
So, After Brian's hard work in school for the last couple of semesters, especially this semester, he applied to the Nursing Program at BYU and got in for Winter 2011! I am so happy for him! He is going to do great. He had to turn in his grades for this semester so far, and he had a 4.0 GPA! His last Anatomy test was so hard and the class average was a 75%, but he got a 100%! He will do well in in the Nursing Program. :) I love him and am excited for the next 3 years we have in Provo until Brian is finished!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Lovin' Life...Especially Hide-a-beds
How can life be so amazing, unexpected, funny, lively, and busy all the time? Oh by marrying Brian, of course! Our lives have been going non stop since we got off our honeymoon! School is kicking our trash as we are trying to play catch up on school as well as move forward in all our classes so we can be ready to go on our family cruise on the 14th of November! I am taking 17 credits, Brian is taking 14. We both have good Jobs we work at part time, and Our home is absolutely amazing! Brian is applying for the Nursing program this semester and let me tell ya, for this semester's grades, he has a 4.0 so far! He just told me that he got a 100% on his anatomy test!
School is school of course, but the rest of our lives are pretty fun! We got to go up to my Aunt Sharon's tonight and just mess around with so many Christensen cousins and talk of missions and New York. We have friends to go to Football Games with (where the cougars actually win, but just barely to Wyoming), and we have opportunities to visit the temple!!
One question: How do you get family to visit you in Provo Utah? Get a hide a bed! We have had so much family visit us in our little Provo apartment. The first day we moved in, Emily (Brian's sister) stayed with us! The next day Brian's mom and Brother came for education week and were able to stay with us! That was soo fun to have them. Mark then stayed with us about a week or two later for a week while he was visiting Samantha, Dustin (Mark's friend) stayed over one night that Mark was here too!
For Mark's wedding this month, we had my Mom and Mark stay here one night, then my awesome sister Jennifer, Ben and their kids! It was soooo fun! I seriously love having a big family, and it really helps to have a hide-a-bed with a huge living room.
Life is so great, and we are blessed for an awesome family, good friends, a nice home...and a wonderful hide-a-bed for people to come crash anytime. :)
(insert pic of couch)
Well, i dont have a picture...but i do of football! whoo!!
School is school of course, but the rest of our lives are pretty fun! We got to go up to my Aunt Sharon's tonight and just mess around with so many Christensen cousins and talk of missions and New York. We have friends to go to Football Games with (where the cougars actually win, but just barely to Wyoming), and we have opportunities to visit the temple!!
One question: How do you get family to visit you in Provo Utah? Get a hide a bed! We have had so much family visit us in our little Provo apartment. The first day we moved in, Emily (Brian's sister) stayed with us! The next day Brian's mom and Brother came for education week and were able to stay with us! That was soo fun to have them. Mark then stayed with us about a week or two later for a week while he was visiting Samantha, Dustin (Mark's friend) stayed over one night that Mark was here too!
For Mark's wedding this month, we had my Mom and Mark stay here one night, then my awesome sister Jennifer, Ben and their kids! It was soooo fun! I seriously love having a big family, and it really helps to have a hide-a-bed with a huge living room.
Life is so great, and we are blessed for an awesome family, good friends, a nice home...and a wonderful hide-a-bed for people to come crash anytime. :)
(insert pic of couch)
Well, i dont have a picture...but i do of football! whoo!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mark and Sam 10/9/10
Brian and I loved seeing Mark and Sam get sealed in the draper temple
There is cute little Mary Jean
Took me 40 shots, but this is my fav...
Aunt Carolee's head, troy, Carson, Jay, Devin, Maren
Alley's birthday, and she stood behind a camera all day..haha
Mark is always the kidder, even on his wedding day
I loved her hair do!
Welcome to the family Samantha!
Friday, October 15, 2010
My Husband and Eating habits of the Summer
Brian is my hero. He can eat more than any person I know.
Onto the next set of pictures. For my birthday, Brian was soo sweet to take me out to PF Changs. We had salad wraps and noodles with shrimp!! It was soo good. We were stuffed after the meal. We walked around for about a half hour before going to get ice cream at Fanci Freeze in Boise. I got a 10 oz. milkshake and Brian got a 44 oz. Boston Cream Pie shake. If you dont know what the Boston cream pie shake is, it is a sunday on top of your milk shake.
Yes, he had to have two cups because it is predicted that those who eat all the ice cream will spew in the second cup after consumption
....So that wasn't true...The second cup was because the first cup has a tendency to flow over and he needed the second one so it wouldnt get all over the place. At this point, it was a matter of pride to finish the Milkshake. I didnt put in a lot of the pictures of him almost throwing up, but let me tell ya, I have a ton of proof.
Yes! He finished, and in under 20 minutes. We finished our shakes at the same time. It was a great day! I loved going out with him for my first birthday ive ever had with him. :) He is wonderful.
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