Saturday, August 17, 2013

Brian's fake graduation

I love my husband and how hard he works at the byu nursing program!  He makes me so proud. I have the most amazing guy that I get to call mine. He is happy all the time and always talks so positively to me. That really makes me want to be a better person. This weekend, his family came to town to celebrate Brian's fake graduation!  The reason it is fake is because he actually has one semester left. Byu doesn't have a winter graduation, only a spring/summer one. His whole class decided that they wanted to walk a semester early because no one knew if they could make it back in April 2014 for the spring graduation. Enough of my rambles, here are some pictures for graduation!
That is him heading for his diploma!
That is him shaking the deans hand. He also has a batman quote up there under his name. 
His class of 64 soon-to-be nurses 
Love my little graduate!
Brian's family was awesome to come down!
It was hot outside and I am laughing really hard at Brian 
The end :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's been a while

Well it has been quite some time since I last posted. I am also about a year and a half behind!  Here are a few little things we have done this summer since I got my phone.. The next post will be what I did while Brian was in Taiwan!
While Brian was in Taiwan this summer, I died my hair red! He came home on our anniversary! It was great to see him again. It was fun to tour salt lake too. 
We went to the rodeo with our good friends Brady and Laura. 
I was able to babysit Scott and Cyndi's baby while they packed up and move. We sure miss them!
Then we went to okc to see my family! My parents came home from an 18 month mission in Cyprus and all my siblings were there for the homecoming talk. Here are a few pictures of being in okc...
Arm wrestling
Out to eat with the fam
Roller coaster riding
Cousin fun
This girl knows how to put a slice down!!
At the lake with the millers on grant and marks boat
Pool fun /eating problems
Reunion fun
Icecream from a gutter
Twister relief concert with Garth brooks:)
Janessa came to visit me! She can fit in my wedding dress!
So can Sarah!
Thanks for reading. I will post again soon!