After two flights consisting of about 14 hours total, we arrived in Germany! It was a snowy morning. We found the USO in the airport where there were delicious ramen noodle cups! I was totally pumped because I had been starving on the flight. And airplane food is never good. (Don't argue, ramen noodles are healthy and nutritious)..We took a shuttle to Landstuhl, which both Brian and I fell asleep.. Jet lag ..Its awesome. We were greeted at our hotel as soon as we arrived by Captain Origell and Merri! Both of these women are amazing! They took us around, helped us get food at the commissary, showed us base where Brian would be working, then let us rest at about 4. When we came into the hotel room, we saw this on our table! It was from them. They are soo nice!
A basket full of food and goodies! |
It was a little overwhelming at first, to say the least. We didn't have a car, so Merri was nice enough to drive us EVERYWHERE we needed to go! I ended up telling her that we were having a baby, cuz I would get super grouchy if I went hungry for too long. It was kinda a shock to realize that snacks in a purse are a necessity now! You have to constantly eat, or you don't feel well! Anyway, She was so excited for me and Brian! She said we would get an appointment right away to see a doctor in clinic. I was grateful. I was told by my reproductive endocrinologist the week before that I needed an ultrasound before I moved..which we didn't do. Merri's words came as a relief.
Guess what? I have a cousin that lives 10 minutes up the road! Malee Skinner!!! She is awesome and helped so much in the transition process - especially since we didn't have a car to get around anywhere. They had us over for dinner a lot! Oh man, and does she know how to cook! She and her family took us under their wings! We have to repay them when they move at the end of the summer.
Malee! |
One thing that was interesting about living in the hotel for a month was...we were paid for every single meal! It was awesome. We went out to eat every. single. night. I felt very blessed that I didn't have to cook much when I really didn't feel all that well. The scale at my 10 week appointment was a little shocking for both me and Brian. I gained 10 pounds since moving from Boise. Ugh..only 25 to go to have a healthy pregnancy...I got off the scale and made Brian get on it because i thought it was wrong. He said oh, its probably right...then stepped onto it.. He changed his tune quickly when it said he weighed 17 lbs more than he weighed in Boise! I had to laugh as he complained to my doctor that the scale had to be wrong. We continued to indulge in going out to eat, but we both started exercising a little more.
So! Much food! |
German Chocolate |
Brian eating a Doner! |
The picture of Brian is actually our first trip away from Landstuhl. We ended up borrowing a car from a lady in our new ward for about 6 weeks until ours arrived. She is so so sweet to do that for us! We went on a few little trips just around Landstuhl. Our first stop was to Trier, Germany. It was beautiful..and cold! Nevertheless, we enjoyed it!
The Trier Cathedral! |
The gate leading into Trier |
It was interesting to read up on Wiki about Trier on the way there. It is the oldest city in Germany. It was ruled by Romans for a very long time, hence the Roman look to the gate!
We went on a couple other close trips. Here are a few pictures of our Saturday adventures:
Metz, France -
Metz was beautiful! |
The River split around a cathedral. We are behind the cathedral at the point of the divide! |
This is said cathedral! |
Brian is so awesome to take me places. |
Metz castle! |
Metz castle! |
Climbing the Ruin |
We had visitors from the South come up and see us one weekend! I have a cousin, Oliver who lives in Switzerland. He came for a weekend visit. We got together for a delicious breakfast on sunday, then went together to the Speyer Cathedral! I am sad, I didn't get a picture with them, but we did get these!
Speyer Cathedral |
This is another cathedral in Speyer we drove past on the way out. |