Thursday, September 30, 2010

So you had a bad day?

Events of Yesterday...

9 A.M. - Went to martial arts where he bent his toe nail back so much is toe bled.  poor guy
10 A.M. - In the process of getting ready for the day at the RB, he realized he forgot a towel and some essential clothing pieces.
10:15 -Rushed home to get proper clothing, in the process of missing his anatomy open lab.
11:00 - Went to work/Class
5:00- Finished work/class went to Open lab for Anatomy
For the next little while, all seemed to go okay, then...
6:30 - Brian was so hungry and waiting for his wife to get out of the testing center, forgetting everything but how hungry he was.  His wife finally comes out of the testing center, on the verge of tears because of her grade. 
6:32 - Wife can't find her bike in the bike rack she put it in...
7:30 - He finally gets home with wife, wife holding back tears
7:45 - Realized he missed a quiz during the time wife was looking for her bike
8:00 - Wife not in the mood to cook

All was well at first--
12:00 - Went to her childhood class and was informed that everyone who had taken the test (which i had been studying for all this week) in the testing center the last 4 days have either gotten C's or D's.. The test was apparently hard
1:00 - Went to work/Studied for the big exam which was the death of everyone in her class
2:00 - Work got abnormally busy...which meant not as much studying as I would have liked
5:00 - get into the testing center to take the test of death
6:30 - Walked out from the testing center thinking about killing my professor
6:32 - Tried to find my bike, but it was not found
6:40 - Called BYU police to report a stolen bike
6:45 - sent Brian home to get the car because my bike wasnt taking me home
7:15 - Sat in the back of a cop car and filed a missing bike report (was then informed that about once a week a bike gets stolen out of the lot i parked and locked my bike in)
7:30 - Finally home...Bikeless
8:00 - Sad and on the couch/not in the mood to cook

Serving others and making them feel better, even when you don't have time:
Oh how my whole day can change when Brian, who has had an equally bad day, can just hug me and say it will all be alright.  He was stressed out completely with all of the homework and tests he has to prepare for, but still, on a school night in the middle of the week, he puts aside his homework, tests, obviously even a quiz, and took me out to eat.  He used his birthday gift card to Chili's on a night that was rough for me...and for him i guess.. but more for me.  We could have just stayed home, but he knew leaving the house and thinking about other things would make me feel better.

Im so lucky to have such a nice husband to take me out and then just watch a movie the rest of the night.  He hugged me a lot and told me it wasn't my fault that the bike was gone.  He also threatened to beat up anyone who is on a bike that remotely looks close to mine.  How sweet!  :)

But really...  Brian made me feel so much better.  I know I am important to him when he can push aside his homework and do anything to make me feel better.  I love him a lot and am thankful he can deal with my problems.  He is getting extremely good at it!  A crappy morning and afternoon was changed for both of us simply by being in each other's company without thinking of the stress of school or anything else.  He rarely ever reads the blog, but I really thought I should write down how good he is to me.  I love Brian so much and feel blessed that he is my husband.


  1. I could kill the person that stole your bike...I have had three bikes stolen. Ben, however, was not as understanding as brian...apparently having them LOCKED is essential according to the BSU patrol. I love going out to eat, it fixes everything...hope you had a big sunday, heaven knows I have had a few lately!

  2. That is such a sweet post Miss Shelly! You two are so adorable :) I miss getting to see you all the time, but it's so fun when we do get together. I hope things are going well!

  3. Thanks for sharing, sorry it was such a rough day. You are very lucky to have such a loving and caring husband!! I hope you do well on your test and can get a new bike. :)
